Monday, October 31, 2011

Starting to get back on track

Well here I am just past the half way point in my pregnancy and finally feeling well enough to move and actually think about cleaning my home once again.  Even with my Norwexing ( and Epicurean ( cooking I have fallen VERY far behind.  But today I started to remedy that lack of effort.
Although sitting here I am already regretting going one step further than just a simple vacuum and mopping of my master bedroom and en suite I feel better about it FINALLY getting it clean.  I mean REALLY clean.  I started by simply vacuuming and sweeping the floors and then I started to use the Norwex Mop to clean my walls and ceiling.  Then I mopped.  But I couldn't stop there.  I ended up using a 3:1 dilution of the Sanira toilet bowl cleaner to thoroughly cleanse around the base of the toilet bowl and the walls and side of the cabinet that surround the toilet itself.  Its amazing how I didn't notice the smell of urine in there until I started cleaning it properly.  The mixture sure helped the bathroom smell 'clean' too.  Since we all know that clean doesn't smell it was strange actually having a clean scent in the bathroom.
Once the base of the bowl and the surrounding walls were clean I rinsed out my Enviro Cloth and started wiping the cabinet off and getting all of the toothpaste splashes off of the walls.  Its amazing how much we as adults can spread toothpaste around a room.  But of course that's nothing compared to what 2 young children can do with toothpaste.  It was at this point that my 4 year old daughter decided she wanted to help out with some cleaning too.  Who am I to object?  I got her her very own Enviro Cloth and she started cleaning her own bathroom.  She ended up doing a great job!  Wiping counters, mopping the floor and straightening all of the paraphernalia on the counter too!
At this point my aching back started to kick in too so I sat down and opened the vanity doors.  I shouldn't have done that.  I ended up pulling everything out of that vanity.  I had a set of hot curlers from about 1985 in there, a clip in hair piece (I decided to keep that so my girls could use it for dress up) from 1990 something, about eight travel/makeup bags all with various levels  of crap in them and about 500 packets of dental floss and travel toothpaste as well as travel sized shampoo, conditioner and body lotion.  I weeded through that lovely collection and decided that I really don't need THAT many travel/makeup bags and have set some aside for 'getting rid of' somehow this week.
After having done all this I feel much better about the present state of that bathroom.  I still have a few things to put away and the 'medicine cabinet' to organize again but I made one heck of a start today. 
Being 5 months pregnant and having a pre-existing back problem doesn't make cleaning fun.  Not by a long stretch.  But with the help of the Norwex products that I LOVE I can do just a little bit at a time.  Tomorrow I will finish the bathroom and continue working on the master bedroom as well.  But tonight I'm dressing up (it's Halloween) as a pregnant witch who is resting on the sofa while my wonderful mother-in-law takes the girls out trick or treating and my fabulous hubby hands out candy to the critters that come to our door.
One day and one room at a time.  But now it will certainly be easier to maintain the bathroom since it is clean enough to eat in there.

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